The Cryptocurrency Informer

Episode 11 - Bitcoin Security Vulnerability and Kraken's Response to Goldman Sachs

Week ending June 5th, 2020

The week was filled with trials and tribulations in the non-crypto space – and while these events are extremely important and should be covered and spoken about, our mini-podcast is not the best medium to do so. If anyone in the crypto or blockchain communities would like to discuss these events on our sister show, The BitcoinTaxes Podcast, feel free to reach out to us by emailing 

This week we’ll be discussing a security vulnerability in the Bitcoin protocol and summarizing Kraken’s response to Goldman Sachs anti-crypto stance.

More information on each of these topics can be found below.





More Information

Vulnerability in the Bitcoin Protocol

Trezor’s Firmware Update and Vulnerability Explanation

Kraken’s Response to Goldman Sachs

Vires in Numeris: A Bitcoin Primer

The BitcoinTaxes Interview with Unstoppable Domains

Vires in Numeris: A Bitcoin Primer

If you enjoyed our podcast, be sure to check back frequently for more great discussions about topics in the crypto & blockchain spaces.

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