The BitcoinTaxes Podcast

Canadian Crypto Taxes Explained

Guest: Kyle Mackenzie, CPA at Metrics Chartered Professional Accounting

The BitcoinTaxes Podcast

Kyle Mackenzie, a CPA, and the CFO and partner of the crypto division at Metrics Chartered Professional Accounting, joins the show to discuss all things crypto taxation in Canada. Kyle goes over the basics of Canadian crypto taxes, and runs through some of the more frequently asked advanced questions he encounters as well, including the tax implications of staking, bridging crypto, and ETH to ETH2 – plus, the CRA’s distinction between business and capital gains, superficial losses, and how both of these affect your bottom line. If you are looking for Canadian crypto tax guidance from an absolute pro, don’t miss this episode!


Salvatore Vescio


Kyle Mackenzie, CPA

Listen On

More Information

(03:31): The Basics – Buying Crypto, Selling Crypto, and Crypto to Crypto

(03:57): What are Superficial Losses?

(06:17): Business Income or Capital Gains?

(10:49): Crypto Staking

(12:12): Deducting Mining Expenses

(17:42): How The CRA Views Crypto Bridging and Swaps

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