The BitcoinTaxes Podcast

Cryptocurrency Audit Defense

Receiving an official IRS notification of an audit can lead many to panic and stress about the unknown that lies ahead. However, an audit defense can be successfully handled with a level-headed and cerebral approach.

Alex Kugelman joins the show and outlines what a cryptocurrency audit looks like, and the best practices for handling one properly. Alex walks us through the various factors that could trigger a crypto audit and answers some common questions crypto traders should know the answer to. 

Episode Highlights


Salvatore Vescio


Alex Kugelman

Guest Contact Information


Twitter: @Bitcoin_TaxLaw

Kugelman Law Website

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Episode Highlights

00:52: The Basics – What Triggers An Audit
03:37: What To Do If You Receive A 1099-K
19:30: Benefits of Audit Defense Specialists
24:25: Crypto Audit FAQs

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